Do you rent your apartment or house? Do you have renters insurance? If not, you should probably look into getting some. Renters insurance protects your belongings in case they are damaged or stolen. Most people assume that renters insurance only covers things like fires, break-ins, and natural disasters. However, renters insurance can protect your from a wide range of damages. In fact, it covers so many things that it’s really something that every renter should have. Here are three little-known damages that you didn’t know were covered by renters insurance:


Most renters insurance policies have general liability coverage. That can come in handy should you accidentally cause someone else injury or property damage. If someone gets injured in your apartment, they may be able to hold you financially responsible. If they file suit against you, your renters policy would likely cover the damages. The accident doesn’t even have to happen in your apartment. For example, if your dog bites someone while on a walk, that person may be able to pursue damages from you. That’s likely a damage that your renters policy would cover.

Travel losses. 

Do you love to travel? If so, you may know just how important it is to have travel insurance. If you miss a flight or have to cancel a trip at the last minute, you could lose a substantial amount of money on plane tickets or hotel deposits. Similarly, it’s also possible to lose your luggage or other valuable items while on vacation. Most renters insurance policies also have travel coverage available. While travel insurance may not make up for the frustration of missing your trip or losing your luggage, it will certainly cover the financial losses.

Apartment damage. 

Your landlord likely has insurance to cover any damage to the apartment or home. However, if you’re the one who causes the damage, the landlord may not use his or her insurance to cover it. Rather, they may ask you to cover it. Renters insurance doesn’t just cover your possessions, but also any damage that you may cause. This could be especially important if you have kids or animals in the home. Regardless of whether your child tries to flush his toothbrush and floods the floor or if your dog tears up the carpet, you can use your renters insurance to cover the damage.

Cherly Ferguson
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